Event of May 2008 Eco Tour – Eco Tour – Mai Po Nature

Dear UB alumni graduates and students,

We are pleased to invite you to a walking tour of the famous wetlands around Mai Po and Inner Deep Bay Marshes in the northwestern corner of Hong Kong. WWF guide speaking in Cantonese will accompany the tour group.

Mai Po has been known as a haven for migratory birds for decades. In 1984, the WWF Hong Kong began to take active management of the Reserve for environmental education and conservation. In 1995 1,500ha of wetlands around Mai Po and Inner Deep Bay were formally designated a Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention.

We support WWF’s worldwide mission “to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment, and to help build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature”.

The tour will be followed by a vegetarian lunch at Wun Chuen Sin Kwoon 雲泉仙館

We look forward to seeing you there.

Yours sincerely,
University of Ballarat
Alumni Chapter Hong Kong

Time: May 10th, Saturday 8:00am – 4:00pm
Transportation: Round trip shuttle buses will be provided.
Pickup point: Kowloon Tong – Yew Chung International School at 8:00am
Food: A vegetarian lunch will be provided after the visit to Mai Po at Wun Chuen Sin Kwoon 雲泉仙館

Fee: free of charge
[deposit of $100 to our bank account, fully refund on spot]

Bank: Standard Chartered
Account name: University of Ballarat Alumni Chapter (Hong Kong)Limited
Account number: 368-0-050303-8

Registration: To register, send your full name, contact phone number, course (e.g. MBA, BBA), intake and email address to Ms. Rachel Ma at email: [email protected] or fax 2514 5442.

Support your registration with bank deposit slip is a must
Registration deadline: Tuesday April 15th
Seats are limited and on first-come-first-serve basis.
Registration is open to UB alumni graduates and students.
Successful applicant will be notified via email or phone on or before April 25th.
Please email to Ms. Rachel Ma ( [email protected]) for any queries.

This event is sponsored by Australian Education International (AEI)

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fedunialumnihk.com/event-of-may-2008-eco-tour-eco-tour-mai-po-nature/